Mittwoch, 5. Januar 2011
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“Sabbateanism is the matrix of every significant movement to have emerged in the eighteenth and nineteenth century, from Hasidism, to Reform Judaism, to the earliest Masonic circles and revolutionary idealism. The Sabbatean "believers" felt that they were champions of a new world which was to be established by overthrowing the values of all positive religions .” – Gershom Scholem |
Michael Tsarion, Alex Jones, Peggy Kane, Reps, Reptilian, Reptilians, Reptiles, Illuminati, Alex Collier, Ufo, Alien, Alien Abuductions, Alien Abunduction, Shapeshifters, Truth, Annunaki, Michael Chertoff, Desteni, Morphing, NWO, New World Order, Credo Mutwa, They Live, the Matrix, George Bush, 2012, Underground Bases, Nephilim, Planet X, Nibiru, Police State, Obama Deception, Dark Secrets, Bohemian Grove, Swine Flu, Jim Marrs, Robert Groden, Gaylon Ross, Jerome Corsi, Alan Colmes, Endgame, Aaron Russo, Sherri Tenpenny, Stan Monteith, Leo Horowitz, Stan Monteith, Steve Quayle, Dan Feidt, Michael Hollingsworth, Ray McGovern, Atlantis, Jordan Maxwell, Red Ice Creations, EVP, Richard Hoagland, Project Camelot, Art Bell, Coast to Coast, Mind Control, MK Ultra, Freemasons, Zeitgeist, Zeitgeist Addendum, Oxford Union, Who is David Icke, Beyond the Cutting Edge, Crop Circles, Law of Attraction, the Secret, Secret Rulers, Arizona Wilder, Conspiracy, Gregg Braden, Big Bother, News for the Soul,Sabbatai Zwi, Jakob Frank, Rothschild, Frankist, Illuminati, Adam Weisshaupt, NWO, New World Order, New Age, UNO, Lucifer, Kabbala, Jews, Karl Marx, Zionism, Communism, Satanism, Marxism, Holocaust, Worldwar, Freemasonry, Religion, Nazi, Power, Oil, Mind Control, Stalin, Hitler, Churchill, Roosevelt, History, Money, Banker, Freimaurer, Neue Weltordnung, Illuminaten, Finanzkrise, Finanzkrieg, Kreditklemme, Zensur, Matrix, Satanismus, Verschwoerung, Conspiracy, 9/11, Weisshaupt, Sabbatianer, Frankisten, BRD, Donmeh, Zionismus, Antelman, Marx, Marxismus, Esoterik Okkultismus, Magie, Magick, deutsch, Deutschland, Europa, EU, Sabbatianismus, Satan, Nietzsche, Orwell, Umwertung aller Werte, Geld, Aktien, Börse, Zinsknechtschaft, Alex Jones, David Icke, Aleister Crowley, Alice Bailey, Lucis Trust, CFR, Club of Rome, Bilderberger, 1776,