Sabbateanism is the matrix of every significant movement to have emerged in the eighteenth and nineteenth century, from Hasidism, to Reform Judaism, to the earliest Masonic circles and revolutionary idealism. The Sabbatean "believers" felt that they were champions of a new world which was to be established by overthrowing the values of all positive religions .” – Gershom Scholem
The Sabbatean-Frankist Messianic Conspiracy Partially Exposed
Institute for the study of Globalisation and covert Politics: Beyond the Dutroux Affairs

Freitag, 9. April 2010

Der Große Orient – ein Netzwerk der Weltrevolution

Dem freimaurerischen Ethos fehlt eine entscheidende moralische Dimension. Von Friedrich Romig.

( Lorenz Jäger (58) – Redakteur bei der ‘Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung’ – hat ein Buch über die Hintergründe der Revolutionen in der Zeit der Moderne geschrieben.

Das Verfassen eines solchen Buches ist ein Wagnis. Doch mit der Verschwörungskeule läßt sich der renommierte Feuilleton-Redakteur der weltbekannten Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung nicht erschlagen.

Er ist ein ausgewiesener Kenner der Ideengeschichte der Moderne, der unter anderem an so anerkannten Universitäten wie jener von Stanford lehrte.

Jägers Buch über die „Freimaurerei und die Revolutionsbewegungen“ mit dem Obertitel: „Hinter dem Großen Orient“ besticht durch die Zusammenschau und die klaren Schlußfolgerungen.

Für den Autor bilden von ihrem Glauben abgefallene Juden, antiklerikale Aufklärer und Freimaurer jenes explosive Gemisch, aus dem alle großen Revolutionen seit gut zweihundert Jahren hervorgegangen sind.

Diese Kreise verfügen über jene ineinander verzahnten Netzwerke, in denen sich praktisch alle politischen Strömungen verfangen – gleichgültig ob konservativ, liberal, national, zionistisch, sozialistisch, kommunistisch, faschistisch-autoritär, demokratisch, zivilgesellschaftlich-grün oder anarchistisch.icher „Tempel der Vernunft“
Die französische Großloge „Grand Orient“ war die erste Gruppierung von Freimaurern, die ihre Türen Juden öffnete und deshalb die Anerkennung durch die im angelsächsischen Bereich tätigen Logen verlor.

Die schottischen Freimaurer leisteten ihren Treueschwur auf das aufgeschlagene Johannes-Evangelium. Dagegen war und ist die religiöse Orientierung für den Grand Orient gleichgültig.

Der Grand Orient versteht sich als „Tempel der Vernunft“, als moralische Instanz einer Ethik, mit der alle übereinstimmen können.

Ihrem Logen-Ideal der „Humanität“ werden alle Religionen untergeordnet, säkulare „Menschenrechte“ erhalten den Vorrang vor Gottesrechten.

ner geheimen Leitung unterworfenSeine radikale Laizität macht den Grand Orient zu einer Art „Kirche der Republik“.

In ihrer verwirrenden Vielfalt kommen alle von den Logen bestimmten geistigen Tendenzen im Begriff der „Emanzipation“ oder Befreiung überein.

Diese angebliche Befreiung bezieht sich in erster Linie auf ein Loswerden von Kirche, Glaubenssätzen und den Zwängen einer religiös geprägten Sittenlehre.

„Zieht man die Linie der freimaurerischen Gedanken aus, dann steht am Ende die völlig autonome Menschheit“ – heißt es bei Jäger auf Seite 136 seines Werkes:

Diese aber ist, weil autonome, isolierte Menschenatome sich nicht selbst regieren können, „unausweichlich einer geheimen Leitung unterworfen, einem verschwiegenen Kreis“.Schwur ist erfüllt
Nach der Auflösung der gesellschaftlichen Bindungen in Familie, Kirche, Volk und Staat kommt ein „Völkerbund“ auf die Menschheit zu.

Er wird die Souveränität der einzelnen Staaten aufheben, den kirchlichen Einfluß auf die Gesellschaft ausschalten und jeden Widerstand gegen die Diktatur einer Neuen Weltordnung ersticken.

Gegen diese logenabhängige neue Weltdiktatur werden die uns bekannten historischen Totalitarismen verblassen.

Mit dieser Herrschaftsform erreicht „die Dialektik der Aufklärung ihr höchstes Stadium erreicht“ – so Jäger auf Seite 136.

Der Schwur des Ritters Kadosch im dreißigsten Maurergrad, Thron und Altar zu vernichten sowie Priester und Könige symbolisch zu „erdolchen“ ist dann erfü Namen werden genannt
Jägers Buch ist besonders darum lehrreich und lesenswert, weil der Autor die konkreten Namen jener nicht verschweigt, die als hochrangige Mitglieder des Grand Orient seit der Französischen Revolution jede «radikale, republikanische, demokratische und sozialistische Bewegung» führend beeinflußten.

Jäger behandelt u.a. die frühkommunistischen Agitationen, die sogenannten Freiheits-Bewegungen von 1848, die Erste Internationale, die Pariser Commune, die jungtürkische Revolution, die russische Februarrevolution.

Unter der Fahne der Freimaurer versammeln sich Jakobiner, Terroristen, Königsmörder, Vaterlandsverräter, Betrüger, Bankier, Buchfälscher, Journalisten, Politberater, Parteiführer, Staatsoberhäupter, Minister, EU- und Sowjetkommissare, Parlamentsabgeordnete, aber auch Zierden der Aufklärung und der Wissenschaft

Immer agieren sie als Zersetzer der traditionellen gesellschaftlichen Ordnung und Förderern des Chaos.solierte Mensch
Ordo ab chao“ war bereits das Motto eines der ersten Jakobiner auf deutschem Boden.

Auf den ersten Seiten seines Buches beschreibt Jäger das Leben und Wirken des deutschen Naturforschers, Revolutionärs und Freimaurers Georg Forster († 1794).

Hier bei ihm kommt die so verhängnisvolle Verbindung von Aufklärung, Freimaurerei und Jakobinertum musterhaft ans Licht.

Jäger zieht die Linien dieser Verbindung bis hin zu den Umwälzungen durch den Feminismus, die Legalisierung der Kinderabtreibung und der aktiven Sterbehilfe sowie der Embryonenverwertung und Stammzellenforschung in unseren Tagen.

Sein Schluß: „Es fehlt dem freimaurerischen Ethos eine entscheidende moralische Dimension“.

Herausgelöst aus der Gemeinschaft, „wird das Individuum zum Atom“ (Seite 135) – ausgeliefert der „Kultur des Todes“. Sein Leben ist verfügbar.
maurer sind exkommuniziert!
Verdienstvoll und unmißverständlich streicht Jäger auf den ersten Seiten seines Buches die Unvereinbarkeit von Freimaurerei und katholischer Kirche heraus:

  • „Eine Organisation aber, die sich als ‘Tempel’ ausgab, einen überkonfessionellen Gott statuierte, einen anderen als den christlichen Kalender einführte und eine eigene Weihe erteilte, mußte an sich schon in einen Widerspruch zur Kirche geraten“ – „Eine Art Kirche der Republik kann per definitionem nicht die Kirche Christi sein.“

Jäger zitiert in diesem Zusammenhang unter genauer Quellenangabe die noch heute gültige vatikanische Erklärung zur Freimaurerei vom 26. November 1983.

Sie erklärt, daß „die Gläubigen, die freimaurerischen Vereinigungen angehören, sich im Stande der schweren Sünde befinden und nicht die heilige Kommunion empfangen können“.
e Herrschaft des Antichristen wird vorbereitet
Manchen Äbten und sogar Kardinälen scheint diese Erklärung nicht bekannt zu sein. Jedenfalls halten sich viele nicht daran.

Dabei entspricht sie der fast zwei Jahrhunderte lang immer festgehaltenen Verurteilung der Freimaurerei durch die Kirche.

In dieser Verurteilung drückt sich – wie Jäger betont – nicht Verschwörungswahn oder mangelnde Toleranz der Kirche aus.

Sie ist vielmehr der Reflex auf die Zielsetzung der Logen, durch Relativierung der christlichen Religion oder – wie im Falle des Grand Orient – durch die radikale Emanzipation oder Loslösung von Gott den Boden für die Herrschaft des Antichrist aufzubereiten.

Wer sich noch tiefer mit den Hintergründen von Revolutionen befassen will, dem sei das Buch von Louis Israel Newman († 1975) über den „Jewish Influence on Christian Reform Movements“ angeraten.

Empfehlenswert ist auch das jüngst erschienene, leider noch nicht ins Deutsche übersetzte Standardwerk von E. Michael Jones „The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Impact on World History“.

Lorenz Jäger: Hinter dem Großen Orient. Freimaurerei und Revolutionsbewegungen. Karolinger-Verlag, Wien 2009. 141 Seiten, ISBN 978385418 1347, 20,46 EURO.

Inglourious Basterds Video Back Up!

Is Lucifer the god of Judaism?

Die blutige Geschichte des Kommunismus Teil 1
Die blutige Geschichte des Kommunismus Teil 2

Die in dieser Doku angesprochene marxistische, materialistische Dialektik, bzw. der dialektische Materialismus hat seinen Ursprung in der Kabbala. Kabbalisten wollen nicht das Goijm an einen Gott glauben. Sie wollen sich selbst als Götter verehren lassen.

Der Talmud

Den besten der Gojim sollst du töten.
(Aboda zara 26 b, Jad chasaka 49 b, Kidduschin 40 b, u. 82 a, Mechita 11 a)

Alle führenden Kommunisten waren sog. Ost-Juden aus dem Kaukasus die sich als Atheisten ausgegeben haben. Talmud und Kabbala sind die geistige Wurzel der Massenmorde der Kommunisten.

Download: Menschenlabor Sowjetunion - Auf der Suche nach dem perfekten Sklaven

The Zionist Red Army by David Duke
Communism is Jewish.Search Judaic Communism or Bolshevism vs Zionism by Churchill for more on this subject

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  1. The Purim Celebration of Hate
  2. David Duke “Heart to Heart” Part 1
  3. David Duke “Heart to Heart” Part 2
  4. The Zionist Red Army by David Duke
  5. Hanukkah Hypocrisy by David Duke Part 1
  6. Hanukkah Hypocrisy by David Duke Part 2
  7. Hollywood Basterds by David Duke
  8. Do Jews Control the Media? — The LA Times Says Yes!
  9. Holocaust Survivor Redefines AntiSemitism by David Duke
  10. Stop the Genocide of European Mankind by David Duke
  11. David Duke a Tribute to European Women
  12. Shoe Bombers, crotch bombers, 9/11 and Israel
  13. The Zionist Matrix of Power in America
  14. The War on Christmas!
  15. War is Good – Obama Nobel Peace Prize Speech
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Donnerstag, 8. April 2010

Is Lucifer the god of Judaism?

Rothschilds banker: we do gods own work!

Wem gehört Deutschland wirklich ? ROTHSCHILD !

ROTHSCHILD - ISRAELI SUPREME COURT - Freemasonry called Sabbatainism

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Der Befehl zum Holocaust erfolgte aus New York?

War BRD-Präsident Johannes Rau bei der Künstleragentur Paul Spiegel als Referent oder als Schauspieler unter Vertrag?. Mehr Pyramiden.

Tetragrammaton in der Karlskirche in Wien. Vergleiche: Adonai. War der Sachsenschlächter "Charlemagne" ein Christ? Welche "Aachner Bürger" vergeben den Karlspreis an (für) Massenmörder der Deutschen wie Churchill? Was meint der Freimaurer und erster Karlspreisträger Coudenhove-Kalergi in seinem Buch "Praktischer Idealismus" 1925 mit der "eurasisch-negroiden Zukunftsrasse" unter der Herrschaft des sog. "Judentums"?

Das höchste Gericht Deutschlands steht in Karlsruhe

April 7, 2010


WILL NEWMAN, who holds a B.A. in Religion, attended Jewish synagogue, and has relatives involved in Talmudism, Cabala, B'nai Brith and Masonry.

In 1976, Walter White, Jr., "a concerned patriot," conducted an interview with a young Jew named Harold Rosenthal who was the assistant to Sen. Javits of New York.

In the interview, later published as "The Hidden Tyranny", the arrogant Rosenthal belligerently boasts (on tape) that the Jewish people have fabricated certain "falsehoods which work to conceal their nature and protect their status and power."

Rosenthal debunks the commonly accepted lie that, "the Jews are Israelites, and thus God's chosen people".

Rosenthal said in part: 'Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer -- so I wasn't lying -- and we are his chosen people. Lucifer is very much alive.'" ( Interview 1967.htm)

Lucifer's goal is to "be like the most High" (Isa 14:14) and to usurp the worship of God (Mat 4:9).

Lucifer's purpose is to deceive the whole world (Rev 12:9) by transforming himself into an angel of light (2Co 11:4). This is best exemplified by the Freemasons. Their motto of "making good men better" produces a far more favorable public image than the more accurate alternative: "how to become demon-possessed in 33-easy-steps." The Jewish and Masonic religions both worship the same god.


In most Jewish synagogues, a bright burning flame represents their god. The Hebrew word for Lucifer is "Hillel" (Strong's Concordance #H1966) meaning "bright light." Curiously, this is the name chosen for the Jewish student organization. The Jewish six-pointed star is the highest symbol in the occult and goes under various names--the Star of Moloch/Saturn/Remphan. The Hebrew symbol
חי worn around the necks of many Jews ostensibly symbolizes "life" (lachaim). The word literally translates to a "living thing" or "beast" (H2416); this symbol is an idol for The Beast.

The Jewish name for god is represented by the tetragrammaton יהוה (YHVH) translated as Yahweh, or Jehovah. The significance of God's name is repeatedly emphasized throughout the scriptures.

When dissected in the Hebrew, the true definition of Jehovah (Yah-Hovah) is revealed. "Yah" (#H3050) means "god". "Hovah" (#H1942) translates to "eagerly coveting, falling, desire, ruin, calamity, iniquity, mischief, naughtiness, noisome, perverse, very wickedness."

Jehovah is the god of wickedness, Satan.

However, Jews claim that this name (YHVH) is not to be spoken aloud, despite God's command to declare His name throughout the earth (Exo 9:16).


Judaism very subtly corrupts otherwise good commandments by adopting a false practice. By this prohibition against uttering God's name, the Jews subtly suggest they know god's name and that it is secret knowledge that can only be had if you take up the Cabala. Masonry also uses this ploy to entice.

Christian churches teach Jewish doctrine which prevents God's name from being known and/or glorified.

The Jews have plenty of other names for Satan that they use openly. They are mostly titles that translate to Lord (which is what Baal means). All the major pagan gods' names are names for Satan (see "The Two Babylons" by Hislop). Satan is the author of confusion and goes by many names. As long as you are praying to someone or something other than the true god AHAYAH, Satan has succeeded.

The name Yahweh is reserved for Cabalistic practice. Cabalism is a mystery religion not intended for the mainstream. The promise of secret knowledge is used as bait to get followers i.e. cult members who will pay money.

The mainstream Jews, like the mainstream Catholics, are left in the dark regarding the Satanism that goes on among their leaders behind closed doors. The name Yahweh is very prominent in Witchcraft and the name Jehovah is very prominent in Masonry and Catholicism, so if Yahweh or Jehovah was spoken by the Jews, it would openly attach them to these other groups. This might result in some serious questions from the Jews of the congregation.

The Black Magician and Satanist invokes demons by name. In the Satanic Bible, Anton LaVey provides an extensive list of "infernal names" that, when summoned, provide the practitioner with super human (Übermensch) abilities namely intelligence, power, skills in manipulation, enhanced creativity, material wealth, and the satisfaction of diverse lusts.


Jewish prayers are conducted in Yiddish, a composite language far from the intended pronunciation of the original Hebrew (A.C. Hitchcock, "The Synagogue of Satan," 1). The prayers in modern synagogues are nothing more than disguised demonic invocations. They are hypnotic spells, similar to the Enochian language of the Church of Satan. Jews are invoking demons named adonai, elohim, el shaddai, et al in their rituals.

Vain repetitions and head-bobbing during Jewish prayers aid the entrance into a trance state. Large numbers of atheistic Jews engage in the pseudo-religious worship of status and knowledge. As Bill Cooper writes, "The WORSHIP (a lot different from STUDY) of knowledge, science, or technology is Satanism in its purest form, and its god is Lucifer" ("Behold A Pale Horse," 70). Judaism fills its members with the same Satanic powers as the Church of Satan and Freemasonry.


The foundation of Cabalism is identical to Satanism: the reversal of the roles of God and Satan (UMWERTUNG ALLER WERTE, Nietzsche) It is the pursuit of hidden (occult) knowledge which allows one to achieve god-like abilities by calling on the so-called names of god. These are the names of fallen angels/demons/spirit guides who are the gatekeepers to occult knowledge (Gen 6:4, Jubilees, Enoch). While not all Jews actively practice Cabala, they all accept the highest Cabalistic name as their god--Yahweh (Jehovah.)

The infamous Cabalist and Satanist Aleister Crowley writes, "There are thus 72 'Angels'...these [names] are derived from the "Great Name of God"...The "Name" is Tetragrammaton: I.H.V.H., commonly called Jehovah. He is the Supreme Lord of...the whole Universe ("The Book of Thoth," 43).

"Of the 54 sacred names in the Jewish kabbalah, the primary one is YHWH" (R. Hathaway "Sacred Name of God? Or Blasphemy,"

The Jewish creed, the Shema, states: "our Lord is One," so why do they invoke these other names?


The secret of the ancient Egyptians, and their modern disciples, the Freemasons, is the art of demonology for gaining power--mainly through the devil, Jehovah. In the Royal Arch degree, the Freemason " acknowledge[s] that the devil, in the guise of Jahbuhlun, is his sacred Lord"--the name Jahbulun being a "composite of Jahweh, Baal, and Osiris." He chants "Jah-buh-lun, Jah-buh-lun, Jah-buh-lun, Je-hov-ah" (Texe Marrs, Codex Magica, Ch. 4). Albert Pike discusses the Cabalistic/Masonic significance of IAHOVAH in great length in Morals & Dogma (66, 213, 401, 467, 519)

The name YHVH was injected into the text of the Old Testament by the Pharisees and others who practiced Babylonian Satanism (the precursor to Cabalism and Talmudism). An agreement was forged between the Jewish Masoretes and the Catholic Church c. 1000 A.D. to change the name of God in the Hebrew Old Testament to the pagan name Yahweh/Jehovah via the tetragrammaton (

This explains Rosenthal's saying, "We are amazed by the Christians' stupidity in receiving our teachings and propagating them as their own."

In Henry Ford's words, "The Christian cannot read his Bible except through Jewish spectacles, and, therefore, reads it wrong." ("The International Jew," Vol. IV, 238).


The demonic disdain for humanity exhibited by the Luciferian Jew, Harold Rosenthal, typifies the end result of a lethal amalgamation: Jewish religious ritual combined with the worship of knowledge and self. The Jews as a people, by rejecting God and/or accepting Jehovah, have been given over "to a reprobate mind...Being filled with all unrighteousness..." (Rom 1:28-31).

Of course, Mr. Rosenthal was a member of an elite, openly Satanic minority among the Jewish people. Everyday Jews do not know that the god of their faith is in fact Satan hiding behind a mystical name. It is of no consequence to Satan whether he is worshiped deliberately or through subtle lies and deceptions (Gen 3).

The wise Solomon asks, "what is [God's] name, and what is his son's name, if thou canst tell?" (Pro 30:4). God's name is אהיה AHAYAH (I AM). This is the name given to Moses along with the Law. "And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you...this is my memorial unto all generations."(Ex 3:14-15). "I AM the Lord thy God...thou shalt have no other gods before me" (Exo 32:4-5).

Note---Will Newman recommends This is not his site, but he is in touch with the author and believes his work is exceptional.

You can find this article permanently at

Inglourious Basterds Video Back Up!

Bloody History Of Communism

The King's Torah: a rabbinic text or a call to terror?
By Daniel Estrin, The Forward

The marble-patterned, hardcover book embossed with gold Hebrew letters looks like any other religious commentary you'd find in an Orthodox Judaica bookstore - but reads like a rabbinic instruction manual outlining acceptable scenarios for killing non-Jewish babies, children and adults.

The prohibition 'Thou Shalt Not Murder' applies only "to a Jew who kills a Jew," write Rabbis Yitzhak Shapira and Yosef Elitzur of the West Bank settlement of Yitzhar. Non-Jews are "uncompassionate by nature" and attacks on them "curb their evil inclination," while babies and children of Israel's enemies may be killed since "it is clear that they will grow to harm us."

"The King's Torah (Torat Hamelech), Part One: Laws of Life and Death between Israel and the Nations," a 230-page compendium of Halacha, or Jewish religious law, published by the Od Yosef Chai yeshiva in Yitzhar, garnered a front-page exposé in the Israeli tabloid Ma'ariv, which called it the stuff of "Jewish terror."

Now, the yeshiva is in the news again, with a January 18 raid on Yitzhar by more than 100 Israeli security officials who forcibly entered Od Yosef Chai and arrested 10 Jewish settlers. The Shin Bet, Israel's domestic security agency, suspects five of those arrested were involved in the torching and vandalizing of a Palestinian mosque last month in the neighboring Palestinian village of Yasuf. The arson provoked an international outcry and condemnation by Israeli religious figures, including Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger, who visited the village to personally voice his regret.

Yet, both Metzger and his Sephardic counterpart, Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar, have declined to comment on the book, which debuted in November, while other prominent rabbis have endorsed it - among them, the son of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, Sephardic Jewry's preeminent leader. Also, despite the precedent set by previous Israeli attorneys general in the last decade and a half to file criminal charges against settler rabbis who publish commentaries supporting violence against non-Jews, Attorney General Menachem Mazuz has so far remained mum about "The King's Torah."

"Sometimes the public arena deals with the phenomenon and things become settled by themselves," Justice Ministry spokesman Moshe Cohen told the Forward.

A coalition of religious Zionist groups, the "Twelfth of Heshvan," named after the Hebrew date of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin's assassination, has asked Israel's Supreme Court to order Mazuz to confiscate the books and arrest its authors.

  • "You open the book, and you feel that you read a halachic book. And it's a trap," said Gadi Gvaryahu, a religious Jewish educator who heads the coalition. It was, in fact, "a guidebook [on] how to kill," he charged.

Family members who answered phone calls placed to the homes of both authors said they did not wish to comment.

In 2008, author Shapira was suspected of involvement in a crude rocket attack directed at a Palestinian village. Israeli police investigated but made no arrests.

Co-author Elitzur wrote an article in a religious bulletin a month after the book's release saying that "the Jews will win with violence against the Arabs."

In 2003, the head of the Od Yosef Chai yeshiva, Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh, was charged by then-Attorney General Elyakim Rubinstein with incitement to racism for authoring a book calling Arabs a "cancer."

In 2006-2007, the Israeli Ministry of Education gave about a quarter of a million dollars to the yeshiva, and in 2007-2008 the yeshiva received about $28,000 from the American nonprofit Central Fund of Israel.

"The King's Torah" reflects a fringe viewpoint held by a minority of rabbis in the West Bank, said Avinoam Rosenak, a Hebrew University professor specializing in settler theology. Asher Cohen, a Bar Ilan University political science professor, thought its influence would be "zero" because it appeals only to extreme ideologues.

But the book's wide dissemination and the enthusiastic endorsements of prominent rabbis have spotlighted what might have otherwise remained an isolated commentary.

At the entrance to Moriah, a large Jewish bookstore steps from the Western Wall, copies of "The King's Torah" were displayed with childrens books and other halachic commentaries. The store manager, who identified himself only as Motti, said the tome has sold "excellently."

Other stores carrying the book include Robinson Books, a well-known, mostly secular bookshop in a hip Tel Aviv shopping district; Pomeranz Bookseller, a major Jewish book emporium near the Ben Yehuda mall in downtown Jerusalem; and Felhendler, a Judaica store on the main artery of secular Rehovot, home of the Weizmann Institute.

The yeshiva declined to comment on publication statistics. But Itzik, a Tel Aviv-area book distributor hired by the yeshiva who declined to give his last name because of the book's nature, said the yeshiva had sold 1,000 copies to individuals and bookstores countrywide. He said an additional 1,000 copies were now being printed.

Mendy Feldheim, owner of Feldheim Publishers, Israel's largest Judaica publishing house, said he considered this a "nice" sales figure for a tome of rabbinic Halacha in Israel. He said his own company, which distributes to 200 bookstores nationwide, is not distributing "The King's Torah" because the book's publishers did not approach the company.

Prominent religious figures wrote letters of endorsement that preface the book. Rabbi Yaakov Yosef, son of former Sephardic Chief Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, blessed the authors and wrote that many "disciples of Torah are unfamiliar with these laws." The elder Yosef has not commented on his son's statement.

Dov Lior, chief rabbi of Kiryat Arba and a respected figure among many mainstream religious Zionists, noted that the book is "very relevant especially in this time."

Rabbi Zalman Nechemia Goldberg, one of the country's most respected rabbinic commentators, initially endorsed the book, but rescinded his approval a month after its release, saying that the book includes statements that "have no place in human intelligence."

A handful of settler rabbis echoed Goldberg's censure, including Shlomo Aviner, chief rabbi of Beit El and head of Yeshivat Ateret Yerushalayim, who said he had "no patience" to read the book, and spoke out against it to his students.

Previously, Israel has arrested settler rabbis who publish commentaries supporting the killing of non-Jews. In addition to Ginsburgh, the Od Yosef Chai yeshiva head, in 1994, the government jailed Rabbi Ido Elba of Hebron for writing a 26-page article proclaiming it a "mitzva to kill every non-Jew from the nation that is fighting the Jew, even women and children."

"The atmosphere has changed," said Yair Sheleg, senior researcher at the Israel Democracy Institute, who specializes in issues of religion and state. Previous governments took a tougher stance against such publications, he said, but "paradoxically, because the tension between the general settler population and the Israeli judicial system is high now, the attorney general is careful not to heighten the tension."

It is not uncommon for some settler rabbis, in the unique conditions of West Bank settlement life, to issue religious decrees, or psakim, that diverge from normative Jewish practice. In 2008, Avi Gisser, considered a moderate rabbi from the settlement of Ofra, ruled that Jews may violate Sabbath laws and hire non-Jews to build hilltop settlements. And In 2002, Yediot Aharanot reported that former Israeli Chief Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu sanctioned Jewish harvesting of Palestinian-owned olive trees.

Lucifer god of Judaism? Reply to Jewish Scholar

Sunday, April 11 2010 @ 07:36 AM BST

Media WatchHenry Makow

April 9, 2010

"Brother, I am Jewish. Do you think I get pleasure in exposing the evils of my people? How do you think this makes my Orthodox relatives feel? Or my parents? My grandparents? I love Christ more, as He said: "He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me" (Mat 10:37).

by Will Newman

(Will Newman attended Jewish synagogue, and has relatives involved in Talmudism, Cabala, B'nai Brith and Masonry. Will addresses the response of a Jewish scholar, who wishes to remain anonymous.)

My purpose in writing the article was to help free people from the deceptions of Satan and encourage them to follow Christ. All religion is of Satan, not just the Jewish religion. Religion is nothing but ritual and philosophy. Where does God say to form a religion? God wants our obedience, love for our brethren, and faith in his Son.

Before defending Judaism or any religion remember what God says: "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil..." (Isa 5:20). "Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!" (Isa 5:21)

If you research the occult, you will learn that they worship Yahweh and Lucifer as the same entity and that names are of the utmost importance in the spiritual realm. Do you think that God did not know the importance of His own name? How else does one know who they are praying to if they do not invoke him by name? How do you know you are not praying to the devil?

"I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another" (Isa 42:8). "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved" (Act 4:12).

"O LORD, thou art my God; I will exalt thee, I will praise thy name..." (Isa 25:1).

How can you praise God if you don't even know his name? Someone's name is the first thing you learn when you meet them. The Bible tells you that God's name is I AM THAT I AM (AHAYAH), "this is my name for ever," and you reject it?

Will you accept the Jewish Encyclopedia?

Under "tetragrammaton":"The oldest exegetes, such as Onḳelos, and the Targumim of Jerusalem and pseudo-Jonathan regard "Ehyeh" and "Ehyeh asher Ehyeh" as the name of the Divinity, and accept the etymology of "hayah" = "to be" (comp. Samuel b. Meïr, commentary on Ex. iii. 14)."Or under "Adonai and Ba'al": "The name Ba'al, apparently is an equivalent for Yhwh."

Do you place more faith in your degrees and education than in God? What theological seminary did Moses go to? What school did Christ go to? None! They received their wisdom through faith in their Creator and in his Word.

"Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man...whose heart departeth from the LORD"( Jer 17:5). Blessed is the man that trusteth in the LORD, and whose hope the LORD is" (Jer 17:7).

You say: "No typical Jewish thought today claims to know God's real name. It has been lost throughout the ages. In fact, only the High Priest and his family ever knew God's name..."

The Jewish Encyclopedia will tell you under "blasphemy" that: "According to Talmudic tradition, the Sacred Name was in early times known to all; but later its use was restricted (Ḳid. 71a)."

The name AHAYAH was restricted because it has the power to save those who pray to that name. Christ prayed to the name I AM: "Before Abraham was, I am." (Jn 8:58).

Of course you aren't going to get the truth in a theological seminary paid for with filthy lucre. Brother, I am Jewish. Do you think I get pleasure in exposing the evils of my people? How do you think this makes my Orthodox relatives feel? Or my parents? My grandparents? I love Christ more, as He said: "He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me" (Mat 10:37).


You claim: "[the] Talmud to be a valuable source of historic and homiletic keys to understanding our Messiah."

Apparently you have not read the Talmud because this is what it says about Christ and non-Jews:

"Jesus is in hell, being boiled in "hot excrement" (Gittin 57a).

"Mary, the mother of Jesus, was a whore and played the harlot with carpenters" (Sanhedrin, 106a,b).

"[Christ] practised sorcery and enticed Israel to apostacy" (Sanhedrin, 43a).

"Jews must destroy the books of the Christians, i.e. the New Testament" (Shabbath 116a).

"A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years old" (Sanhedrin 54b).

"When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing" (Kethuboth 11b).

"A woman who had intercourse with a beast is eligible to marry a Jewish priest. A woman who has sex with a demon is also eligible to marry a Jewish priest" (Yebamoth 59b).

"All gentile children are animals" (Yebamoth 98a).

"Jews may use lies ('subterfuges') to circumvent a Gentile" (Baba Kamma 113a).

"When a Jew murders a gentile ('Cuthean'), there will be no death penalty. What a Jew steals from a gentile he may keep" (Sanhedrin 57a).

Can I stop reading yet? Throw every last volume of the Talmud in the garbage where it belongs. It is pure wickedness!


You say: "Do not the scriptures also teach to love and respect the Jewish people."

Yes, we are to love the Children of Israel, which I do with all my heart and strength, however neither you nor I are among the biblical Children of Israel. The Ashkenazi Jews are Russians, descending from the Khazar Empire.

Not to mention, according to prophecy, the return of the Jews to their land will come at the time of Christ's return and He will usher in world peace: "And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more."

Christ is not back yet and the true Israelites are still scattered throughout the four corners of the earth. There are millions of dead Arabs to prove that the real Jews have not returned to Israel yet.

Deuteronomy chapter 28 tells us that, for their disobedience to God, curses will " upon [the Israelites] for a sign and for a wonder, and upon [their] seed for ever." (Deu 28:46).

By these curses we know who Israel is. Do the Jew-ish (Jew-like) people fit these curses?:

"And thou, even thyself, shalt discontinue from thine heritage that I gave thee; and I will cause thee to serve thine enemies in the land which thou knowest not: for ye have kindled a fire in mine anger, which shall burn for ever" (Jer 17:4). "Is Israel a servant? is he a homeborn slave?" (Jer 2:14). "The children also of Judah and the children of Jerusalem have ye sold unto the Grecians, that ye might remove them far from their border" (Joe 3:6).

It is written that the Biblical Israelites would forget their identity, be sold into slavery with ships, and be impoverished FOREVER. The African-Americans and other West African families are the historical tribe of Judah. The Ashkenazi Jews were the principle financiers of the slave trade (I hope to publish another article about this with mountains of proof!)

Christ told us about the Jew-ish people that were to come:

"I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, [of the true Israelites] (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan" (Rev 2:9). "Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee" (Rev 3:9).

(Israeli Supreme Court, left)


Regarding Freemasonry in Israel, this article shows the extent of its power:

"He that regardeth reproof is prudent." (Pro 15:5) "Correction is grievous unto him that forsaketh the way." (Pro 15:10) I pray that you come into the truth, Brother, and forsake Judaism and religion altogether, "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ" ( Rom 1:16).

Recommended Reading:

  • The Jewish Religion and Its Influence Today (E. Dilling),

  • Truth about the Talmud: Racist, Rabbinic Hate Literature (Michael Hoffman, foremost scholar of Judaism in the English-speaking world),

  • The Synagogue of Satan (A.C. Hitcock),

  • Chosen People from the Caucuses (M. Bradley),

  • From Babylon to Timbuktu (R.R. Windsor),

  • Be Wise as Serpents (F. Springmeier),

  • Lucifer Dethroned (W. Schneobelen),

  • Sex and Race, Vol. 1 (J.A. Rogers),

  • The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews,

  • Hebrewisms of West Africa (J.J. Williams),

  • The Thirteenth Tribe, (A. Koestler).

Dienstag, 6. April 2010

Bloody History Of Communism

Video: The Revolutionary Holocaust

"The Jewish people as a whole will become its own Messiah. It will attain world dominion by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship.

In this New World Order the children of Israel will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition. The Governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state. Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which is said that when the Messianic time is come, the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands."

— Baruch Levy, Letter to Karl Marx, 'La Revue de Paris', p.574, June 1, 1928

„Einen Thron will ich mir auferbauen,
kalt und riesig soll sein Gipfel sein,
sein Bollwerk sei ihm übermenschlich Grauen,
und sein Marschall sei die düst're Pein!"

„Wer mit gesundem Auge darauf sieht,
soll tödlich blaß und stumm sich wenden,
von blinder, kalter Sterblichkeit ergriffen,
soll das Glück sein Grab bereiten."

(Zitat aus „Des Verzweifelnden Gebet", Karl Marx, Collected Works, Bd.I., International Publishers, 1974)


Between 1905 and 1914, Russia progressed very well with landownership programs for farmers. Russia gave voting rights to its people and raised their standard of living. Tsar Nicholas gave Russia a representative government and a constitutional monarchy. A legislative body called the “Duma” was created and free elections were held. Jewish Marxist terrorists tried to assassinate Premier Stolypin in 1906. The second assassination attempt succeeded when a Jewish attorney Mordecai Bogrow shot and killed the Premier in 1911. By 1911, Russia produced 40% of the world’s crop of grain products.

The Russian population was angry with the Jews because they knew it was the Jewish leadership that had set up all the public violence in order to overthrow the government. Russian mobs attacked Jewish stores and homes and over 800 Jews were killed. The violence continued and by 1911 approximately 50,000 Russians had been killed in bombings, shootings and mass attacks on civilians. In 1906 approximately 600 Jewish Marxist/Socialistic terrorists were executed by the Russian Government. The world started blaming the Russian government of being anti-Semitic. Between 1907 and 1908 another 2,328 Jewish Marxist/Socialistic Terrorists were executed by the Russian Government after trials of military tribunals. The result is that about 35,000 Jewish terrorists fled to Palestine, United States and Europe.

Stalin with the "hidden hand" of the Illuminati

Joseph Stalin (1879-1953)

Joseph Stalin was half Jewish and half Russian. In 1903 he was recruited by the Russian secret police and led a double life. He was arrested 8 times; he escaped and continued his work in the Marxist/socialist movement.

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (1870-1924)

Vladimir Lenin was also half Jewish and half Russian. He was a Marxists/Socialist that worked for the Jewish world leaders. He was arrested a few times and sentence to exile in Siberia where he married his Jewish wife. After he served his sentence, they lived in Germany, Belgium, England, Poland, and Switzerland before returning to Russia. He was never employed but lived a life of luxury in Europe. He was a member of the French freemasons “Art et Travai.”

Trotzky (Bornstein) with the "hidden hand" of the Illuminati

Leon (Lev) Trotsky (1879-1940)

Leon Trotsky’s real name was Leiba Bronstein. He was under the training of Alexander Parvus (whose real name was Israel Gelfand) during high school. Parvus was a Russian Jewish freemason. He not only taught Trotsky in the Talmud but he also introduced him to the Kabala, Zionism and Marxism/Socialism. Trotsky became a member of the freemasons and the B’nai B’rth.

The Russian police arrested him twice, each time he was sentenced to exile in Siberia but escaped both times. Together with Lenin, Trotsky and Parvus helped arrange the Russian revolution. Trotsky was finally deported to the United States where he lived under the protection and payroll of Jacob Schiff.

In an interview with the publication, “New American Journal,” on February 3, 1949, John Schiff, the grandson of Jacob Schiff told the interviewer that his grandfather had given 20 million dollars to start the Russian revolution. Other American Jews and Gentiles who also donated to the cause of the Russian revolution were Paul Warburg, Harriman, Rockefeller, and J. P. Morgan.

In 1917, Lenin and Trotsky started the process of taking over Russia. Joseph Stalin joined the group as a double agent, working also for the Russian government. Some 8,000 Jewish revolutionaries joined at St. Petersburg to form the core of the emerging communist party. These men took leadership in the Red Army and in the terrible “Cheka” later renamed to NKVD and then renamed again to KGB.

The Russian revolution was in reality a Jewish takeover of Russia in the midst of WWI, in preparation for the formation of the state of Israel and the coming Jewish Messiah.


Internet Archive: Free Download: Bloody History Of Communism


The Soviet Story

The Zionist Red Army by David Duke
Communism is Jewish.Search Judaic Communism or Bolshevism vs Zionism by Churchill for more on this subject

Inglourious Basterds Video Back Up!

Google has been complaining about censorship in China. But there is lot of censorship on Google-Youtube by a group of Zionists who flag any video that has effective criticism of Israel.

This video had over 17,000 views on its first day before taken down. It was number 4 in its favorites list for news and current events. And it had hundreds of 5 star ratings.


Donnerstag, 1. April 2010


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